Version 4.15

This release contains updated MPEG-DASH protocol and several bugfixes.

MPEG-DASH protocol
Protocol implementation was updated, as well as ffmpeg and ffprobe, which were updated to the latest version. If you're getting Manifest is not supported error this means there may be a real issue with the manifest file (incorrect format, broken streams data or enabled encryption). In some cases you may also need to use VPN or a proxy to download video.

Since Ant Video downloader spawns ffprobe/ffmpeg processes to detect or download videos, there are timeout values for these operations:
• Video detection — 10 minutes, after which ffprobe is terminated
• Video download — infinite

You can change default values if needed via Windows Registry. Open or create key HKCU\Software\\AVD\Ant Video downloader\Settings

• 32-bit DWORD decimal value MPDProbeTimeout — sets number of seconds to wait for video detection. Accepted values are between 15 and 86400 (24 hours)
• 32-bit DWORD decimal value  MPDDownloadTimeout — sets number of seconds to wait for video download. Accepted values are between 15 and 259200 (72 hours)

HLS byte-ranged videos
Support of HLS byte-ranged videos is temporarily turned off.

The reason is that HLS client in AVD 4.x is too outdated and we're working on the new version of it in AVD 5.x. There is no sense to fix it separately because byte-ranged videos are quite rare. The new version of HLS client in AVD 5.x will have support of byte-ranged videos as well as other missing features, such as external audio.

User interface — video list items style in the dark theme
Visual style of video list items was enhanced when dark theme is on.


• Video download may freeze after clicking on Download button
• Scoring setting on checking of non-media content types does not work
• When scoring setting "Do not detect videos for which server provided 0 bytes size" is on, no videos with size > 0 bytes are detected
• When video detection is turned off and browser restarted, the add-on continues to detect videos on some websites
• Popup: scoring videos quick select prompts to download via browser while Native app is installed